Osteoma ferret

Conférence Icare 2017


A four-year-old ferret presented swelling of the top of the head of one month duration with a more rapid growing in the few last days. Examination and diagnostic imaging with radiography and computed tomography, revealed a bony mass of the temporal area of the skull. It measured between 1.2 and 1.5 centimeter in diameter.

Auteurs : Drs. Christophe Bulliot, Sophie Romain, Antoine Hidalgo, Elise Rattez, Alexandra Nicolier, Céline Levrier, Lucas Flenghi 10-07-2017
Service NAC – Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire des Cordeliers,
29 avenue du Maréchal Joffre, 77100 Meaux.
E-mail : nac@chvcordeliers.com

Osteoma ferret

A case of calvarial osteoma and its surgical treatment in a ferret (mustela putorius furo)

It adhered to the frontal bone of about one centimeter in diameter. The portion of the frontal bone in contact with the encephalon presented no lesion. No abnormalities were revealed on the thoracic examination. Due to the rapid growth of the mass and the potential risk of encephalic compression, a surgical treatment was proposed and performed without previous biopsy.

Histologic diagnostic was calvarial osteoma. The ferret was still alive and in good health 14 months after surgery and a second computed tomography 8 months after surgery did not revealed any anomalies.

Osteomas are uncommon benign neoplasm of one bone. They arise mainly from the intermembranous bone of the skull and especially from the parietal bone, the zygomatic arch and occipital bone. Etiology is unknown. They are generally slow growing but the location and potential extent of the lesion can justify a poor prognosis.1-8 Two cases of ferrets presented with an osteoma of the parietal bone have been published in literature and have been euthanized because of poor body condition.9,10 To our knowledge, this is the first case report of successful surgical management of calvarial osteoma in a ferret.


1. Dernell WS, Straw RC, Withrow SJ. Tumor of the skeletal system. In: Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, USA, S.J. Withdraw and E.G. Mc Ewen W.B. Saunders; 2001:406-454.
2. De Voe RS, Pack L, Greenacre CB. Radiographic and CT imaging of a skull associated osteoma in a ferret. Vet Radiol and Ultrasound. 2002;43(4):346-348.
3. Hanley CS, Gieger T, Frank P. What is your diagnosis? Multilobular osteoma (MLO). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2004;225(11):1665-1666.
4. Huynh M, Guillaumot P and Boussarie D. Osteoma of the zygomatic arch in a ferret. Proc Annu Conf Assoc AEMV; August 8, 2009; Milwaukee,95.
5. Jensen W.A., Myers R.K., Liu C.H. Osteoma in a ferret. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1985;15;187(12):1375-1376.
6. Jensen W.A., Myers R.K., Merkley D.F. A bony growth of the skull in a ferret. Lab Anim Sci. 1987;37(6):780-781.
7. Li X, Fox JG, Padrid PA. Neoplastic diseases in ferrets: 574 cases, 1969-1997. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1998;212:1402-1406.
8. Perpinan D, Bargall F, Ramis A, Griols J. Thoracic vertebral osteoma in a domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo). J Exot Pet Med. 2008;17:144.
9. Johnson, J.G. III, Brandão, J., Fowlkes, N. et al. Calvarial osteoma with cranial vault invasion of the skull of a ferret (Mustela putorius furo). J Exot Pet Med. 2014;23:266–269.
10. Ryland LM. What is your diagnosis? Focal, ovoid, smooth-bordered, osseous proliferation compatible with an osteoma of the parietal bone. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1990;15;197(8):1065-1066.


Informations pratiques

CHV des Cordeliers

  • Lun
    8h - 12h 13h30 - 19h
  • Mar
    8h - 12h 13h30 - 19h
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    8h - 12h 13h30 - 19h
  • Jeu
    8h - 12h 13h30 - 19h
  • Vend
    8h - 12h 13h30 - 19h
  • Sam
    8h - 12h 13h30 - 17h30
  • Dim
    Urgences 24h/7j

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